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PZC Minutes 04-09-2013
MEMBERS PRESENT: Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Viney Wilson, Billy Carroll, Elizabeth Kuehnel
STAFF PRESENT: Michele Lipe, Town Planner; Lauren Zarambo, Recording Secretary

  • Appl. 13-11P, DeMallie Sign Zoning Amendment – request to modify Section 6.5.9.A of the zoning regulations to allow a building identification sign to be a minimum of 24 sf regardless of the size of the building
  • Appl. 13-12P, DeMallie Indoor Recreation Zoning Amendment – request to amend Section 7.13 Indoor Recreation – Industrial Zone, to allow seasonal outdoor accessory uses to an approved special exception use such as entertainment, events, and outdoor recreational activities with site plan approval
  • Appl. 13-13P, Amoun Road Service – request for a DWV General Repairer’s license to operate an auto repair facility, on property located at 363 Pleasant Valley Road, I zone

CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Kennedy called the Regular Meeting to order 7:30 p.m.


NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:       

  • Plan of Conservation and Development – meeting with Planimetrics consultant Heidi Samokar regarding comments from Public Information Meeting (see enclosed memorandum)
Heidi Samokar began going over suggested edits from public comment and changes to the draft plan using the memorandum dated April 2, 2013 that had been sent to the Commissioners with the April 9 agenda (Exhibit A). Draft typos are noted in italics in a smaller font size and will be corrected. She asked for the Commission’s direction on changes to make and stated she will then make those changes for Town Planner review. A public hearing date will then be set and the 65 day review period will begin. Concurrently, another meeting will be held to go over the Implementation Plan with the Commissioners. Town Planner Michele Lipe stated there will not be a meeting on the 23rd but the meeting for the Implementation Plan will take place on April 30th.

Starting on Page 2, in response to the comment concerning local hiring preferences and apprenticeships, Ms Samokar suggested this good idea can be forwarded to the Town Council.  Vice Chairman Pacekonis agreed it should go to Town Council since the Commission does not set ordinances. Ms Samokar replied ordinances can be recommended if it is related to the POCD.

The Vice Chairman then read from CT Statutes 823, ‘… POCD shall be a statement of policies, goals and standards for the physical and economic development of a municipality and also that it be designed to promote, with the greatest efficiency and economy, the coordinated development of the municipality and the general welfare and prosperity of its people’. He stated he saw nothing to preclude a note being added to the POCD that the town benefits when residents and local contractors are used on projects. Ms Samokar agreed nothing would preclude such a statement and if the Commission agreed it could be added under the ‘Community Facility’ section in a sidebar. Chairman Kennedy asked if there might be a fiscal impact or a restriction on bidding to drive the Town’s costs up. Vice Chairman Pacekonis clarified this is not to restrict bidding but to employ local workers and contractors on all work in South Windsor. Ms Samokar made the notation ‘to encourage private and public sectors to employ South Windsor residents on construction projects’. Commissioner Butter suggested eliminating ‘on construction projects’. There was general consensus to add that statement to the plan.

The comment for a transfer station to dispose of bulky or hazardous wastes was suggested to be forwarded to Town Council.

The comment on South Windsor using the concept of sustainability as an attractive feature was suggested to be added to the Plan’s introductory letter which will be authored by the Chairman.

Commissioner Carroll suggested shooting photos of South Windsor’s center during the week the cherry blossoms are in bloom on Oakland Road.

The first policy question was found on Page 6 suggesting rear lot development be halted on Main Street. Ms Samokar recommended against eliminating it stating if the rear lot provision is broken the Commission can fix what is broken but if it is taken away it may result in full blown subdivisions. Vice Chair Pacekonis stated rear lots are ruled by Special Exception which presently gives the Commission some control. Planner Lipe stated some of the concerns on Main Street have been over the loss of large trees. There may be some tweaking of the regulations to be more sensitive to the natural features. Ms Samokar suggested revisiting the regulations to be sure there are adequate protections when tree clearing.

There were two opposing comments received about subtracting out wetlands from lot dimensional standards in Natural Resources, Chapter 5. The POCD talks about considering subtracting out wetlands when calculating lot dimensions town wide or only in certain areas. The IWA/CC supports it and another comment was against the idea. Ms Samokar suggested leaving it in the Plan which can be amended as needed.

Comments will be added from Page 7 concerning adding the words ‘to the extent feasible’ after ‘avoid direct impacts’ on page 30 of the draft plan and changing the ‘Natural Resources Map’ to ‘Natural Resources Inventory’.

The water quality map needs clarification with two changes. The intent of improving water quality is to encourage the remediation of the water bodies. It is recommended that the map be changed to say “encourage remediation of ground water” and the text to say “The Town should work with the State to encourage the remediation of areas with contaminated groundwater when redevelopment of these areas is proposed or where there may be a public health concern”.

To clarify a comment on Page 8, Ms Samokar noted the State has a goal of how much land in the State be preserved as open space but it is incorrect to suggest the State tells South Windsor how much open space it should have.

The Connecticut River is a nationally designated Blueway (a new and emerging term). It is suggested to identify the Connecticut and Scantic Rivers as Blueways on the map and include a sentence to encourage the designations and promote enjoyment of their use.

Two edits will be made from the comments on Page 9 adding ‘community gardens to expand’ to Page 43 of the Plan and adding a bullet ‘encourage farms to offer community supported agriculture programs’.  

There is strong support for the purchase of development rights. One approach can be to add a sentence to say it is a preferred technique or another is to not include it specifically in the Plan. Chairman Kennedy suggested that it can be mentioned as one of many techniques. Vice Chairman Pacekonis stated purchasing development rights is the most feasible economic option but agrees it should not be over emphasized. Chairman Kennedy concluded the decision is not within the Commission’s jurisdiction.

Comments noted on Page 11 from multiple people raised the idea of mixed use residential in the town center and so it is suggested to add a final bullet ‘incorporate residences, especially in a mixed use setting as appropriate’.

A large policy question from Page 12 about the ‘transition zone’ along the northern most section of Route 5 asks for commercial uses to be added to the rural residential zone.  Ms Samokar suggested properly balancing the two goals stating it is the intention that it remains a rural transition area but outright business uses should be allowed. The overall concept needs to be conveyed for the purposes of the Plan. It is suggested that it is called a rural transition zone with the intent to allow smaller scale and less intensive commercial uses like those that do not require large parking areas or generate large amounts of traffic. The overall lower intensity and rural appearance of this segment of Route 5 should be maintained. Vice Chairman Pacekonis suggested adding a phrase ‘to avoid disruption to the character of the area’. Commissioner Carroll suggested large set back requirements. Ms Samokar stated it should not be for businesses that rely on visibility but rather to give the owners economic use to create places that you plan to go to rather than just drop into.

As noted on Page 13, Strategy ‘E’ was left off of page 65 of the draft and will be added.

Testimony noted on Page 14 suggested a moratorium on industry creating truck traffic until the effects of recent approvals are fully seen. Ms Samokar did not suggest a moratorium but rather a careful analysis stating cumulative impacts are difficult to project. It was suggested adding a bullet ‘To continue to protect established neighborhoods’. Vice Chair Pacekonis asked if truck traffic noise was regulated by the DEEP. Planner Lipe stated that noise is not regulated by zoning locally but by the police under the town’s noise ordinance. It was determined to strike the phrase ‘and associated noise impacts’ from the sentence.

Vice Chairman Pacekonis asked what parts of the plan suggest multifamily housing stating it is part of the general statute which says ‘shall have’ not ‘may have’. Ms Samokar replied the plan does talk about areas which, if they meet a certain criteria, might be eligible for multifamily use.

Ms Samokar addressed the comment noted on Page 15 suggesting showing areas and referencing the access management plan for Sullivan Avenue and Buckland Road. She stated access management is important for those roads and also Route 5 and all arterial roads suggesting no edits as it is applicable town wide. There were also updates to road classifications. Commissioner Carroll asked if there is a school bus traffic count in how a road is classified. Discussion followed clarifying the local roads generally carry traffic within the town and collector roads carry traffic through town.

The comment noted on Page 16 from Public Works citing a need for a stronger emphasis on pavement management and a critical need to fund road maintenance. The Commissioners agreed with Ms Samokar’s response to deleting the last sentence of the 1st paragraph on page 72 of the draft and replacing it with ‘The Town should continue to update and utilize its pavement management system to identify and track the need for road maintenance, repairs and upgrades. Adequate funding is critical to maintaining the Town’s road system.’

The testimony commenting intra-town and inter-town transit is needed for a competitive edge is to be addressed by starting Strategy D with ‘Convenient bus service provides transportation options to residents and helps South Windsor’s economy when employees can access jobs within the town or in nearby towns by bus.’. Good commentary was given on bus stops and bus service at commuter lots so the sentence was reorganized to include a bullet list approved by the Commissioners.

Ms Samokar has language to incorporate a suggestion submitted that new commercial development incorporate sidewalks, multi use paths and bike parking facilities and encouraging existing commercial development to do the same.

Testimony suggested Long Hill Road be a priority for sidewalks for children to be able to walk to school. The consensus of the Commissioner was that Long Hill Road should not be designated a higher priority than other similar areas.

It was suggested that Summit Drive and Felt Drive be left off the bicycling plan maps unless the streets will be connected. Planner Lipe described the history of the right of way for the area. The Town does not own the land in fee but can lay claim for use because of the location of the utilities. Ms Samokar and the Commissioners concluded connecting Summit Drive and Felt Drive and keeping it on the map. Also suggested was to extend lines from Foster Street across Route 30 to and including Slater Road for the bicycle plan on draft page 76.

Multiple people had the comment, Page 19, stating they wanted to see plans for a recreation center and to identify locations for new facilities. Ms Samokar stated it becomes a policy question to do with the community facility section. It was previously decided not to go into detail for these facilities but suggested, if the recreation center is to be mentioned, language can be added that overall supports the center. If possible it is suggested to be co-located with another community facility or is centrally located. Vice Chair Pacekonis read from Statute 8-23, ‘…POCD shall recommend the most desirable use of land within a municipality for residential recreation…’  Ms Samokar confirmed this Plan addresses that statute and that South Windsor has enough land to do what is wanted to be done. The community facility plan map shows where current facilities are located. After discussion and a tie vote Commissioner Carroll suggested adding the general sentence ‘We should encourage the development of facilities to improve the town’.

Planner Lipe submitted a comment, Page 20, about the water system in the Buckland Road area. This will be added to the end of the 2nd paragraph on draft page 86.

From testimonial given to see renewable energy used for town facilities, noted on Page 20, it was suggested to add to the end of Strategy D ‘The Town should also explore renewable energy opportunities for town facilities.’. On the idea of using vacant land on Route 5 for renewable energy, it was suggested to add ‘The Route 5 corridor might offer opportunities for alternative energy projects.’

On the final page of the Memorandum, Page 21, a comment suggested shading Main Street green on the maps on draft pages 90 and 91. The Commissioners agreed in order to encourage a Village District area.

Further comments were received from WPCA concerning draft pages 84 and 85. A rewrite of the 1st paragraph was submitted. Ms Samokar complemented the edits but suggested removing pricing which is not included in other sections of the Plan and does not affect policy, and to take out the page 85 reference for the map which faces the page and to strike the phrase ‘in recent years’.

The language for the ‘Note to Readers’ on the inside cover will be changed to explain this is a policy document and a second document will address implementation. Ms Samokar will be working with the Planner Lipe and Chairman Kennedy to draft the introductory letter.

The Planner stated data will be added on population as it has changed in South Windsor and also for the school data which had only been shown up to 2009.

Commissioner Carroll asked if a photograph of Commission might be included.

Ms Samokar will create a document to be put on the town’s website addressing the public comments received.

Vice Chairman Pacekonis asked if the plan for the preservation of historic structures on Main Street had been given enough emphasis in the draft. Ms Samokar asked how the Commissioners would like to see the town wide inventory of historic structures used. Planner Lipe stated that currently any structure 75 years or older is subject to the demolition delay ordinance.  This document is a resource to understand the historic value of structures. The Historical District can use now use the delay ordinance to slow demolition on historic structures to allow opportunity for documentation or for to see if there are any interested parties that want to relocate the structure. Presently the town has developed a GIS map from this inventory of historic structures. Ms Samokar read from page 20 of the draft, ‘Many of South Windsor’s historic resources have received national, state or local recognition. Additional historic buildings and structures have been or are being inventoried. They are not officially designated.’ She suggested adding the sentence, ‘This inventory will provide valuable information when making decisions about the future of these historic resources’.

Ms Samokar projected having an updated draft ready by next Friday with a goal of having a final draft to forward by May 1st. The next POCD meeting will be held on April 30th for the implementation plan and any changes on the updated draft and to set the Public Hearing date.

BONDS: Callings/Reductions/Settings  None

MINUTES:  03/19/2013 and 03/26/2013 adopted by consensus.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8: 40 PM was made by Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Carroll. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lauren L Zarambo
Recording Secretary